about green leiter
Green leiter is a blog and news site for anyone interested in impact and ESG investments and investing.
There is global interest in companies that are passionate about making a positive contribution towards the planet, health and wellbeing or society.
Retail trading on the Frankfurt and German trading exchanges for Australian and Canadian stocks is robust with some companies seeing very high volumes and engagement.
Over the past few years, the sectors generating the most interest and trading are CRMs, drone tech, green metals, battery recycling technology, hydrogen, clean energy and technology, renewables, biotech, AI, medtech and uranium.
We do not provide investment advice and all information is general in nature and every investor should do their own research and seek professional guidance on investment strategies.
Through our related consulting firm, Austlinx, we offer European consulting and investor relations services to Australian and global companies seeking to engage with European investors and stakeholders. ​
disclaimer - we may own stock, have options for stock, or have a consultancy arrangement, with some of the companies mentioned in this blog.